+51 985 051 979



Spray-dried extract

Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a cruciferous that grows in the Andes of Peru, between 4100 and 4500 meters above sea level, these extreme cultivation conditions favor the rich composition of nutrients and phytochemical compounds in maca (superfood).

The part used is the hypocolith that is located between the root and the stem and is where the nutrients of the plant is concentrated (benefits in health and general well-being).

There are 3 phenotypes of organic maca, which are the most commercialized, which are based on the color of the root, which vary between pink to yellow and black or purple.


• Suggested to restore mental and physical balance.
• As an adjuvant to reduce tension (stress).
• Give vitality and improve stamina in physical work and sports.
• Increases the body's own immunity.
• Relieve premenstrual pain and regulate the menstruation cycle.
• Strengthening the immune system.
• Improves thyroid function.
• Prevents osteoporosis.
• Increases libido, fights infertility in men and women.
• Strengthens the body's hormonal system to promote and maintain optimal health, works through the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland to help balance the glands of the endocrine system.

In the literature, no reports have been found about contraindications to the use of maca, or possible drug interactions.

We offer

• Spray-dried extract 4:1

• Spray-dried extract 8:1

• Spray-dried extract 10:1

• Spray-dried extract 16:1

• Spray-dried extract 20:1