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Lucuma Powder

Lucuma (Pouteria lucuma) is a fruit native to the inter-Andean valleys of Peru, Ecuador and Northern Chile. The fruit is a globose berry, flattened or somewhat elongated, green or yellowish. It measures between 7 and 14 cm in diameter.

It is used in the preparation of ice cream, yogurt and bakery products, such as jellies, desserts, cakes and sweets.


• Energizing due to its iron content. This mineral has the important task of converting glucose before it is oxidized into energy.
• High content of beta-carotene, essential for the efficiency of the immune system, reduce the risks of heart attacks, and to transform into vitamin A within the body.
• It also contains B3 or niacin, a compound responsible for the elimination of toxins from our body and recommended for its benefits in people with depression problems.
• Other important elements present are calcium and phosphorus.
• Food rich in fiber.
• In addition, it is recognized for its abilities to lower cholesterol and triglycerides.